My Work on Walls
Mural Painting
Mural: a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall.
Spring Flowered Powder Room, private home, Litchfield, CT
Storybook Mural, private home, Roxbury, CT
A storybook-styled wraparound mural depicting the clients’ 25 years together. I designed the mural after collecting images of where they were each raised and educated, all the homes they lived in, places they worked and played, and where they raised their child. The mural also includes their many horses, cats and dogs they have owned and cared for over the years. I set each image in approximate chronological order and wove each setting together, to make it all appear as if it was set in one lovely, rolling countryside. This mural was painted on site, over the course of many hours and is located in the wine-tasting room of their home.
The whole mural, shown flattened out.
Humpback Whale
Stairwell, Rockwell Elementary School, Bethel, CT
Animal Biomes Mural
Library, Rockwell Elementary School, Bethel, CT
Boughton Street YMCA, Danbury, CT
A very ambitious mural on a grand scale. The wall measures 19 x 47 feet and I was working in a steamy heated pool room, on steel scaffolding with a vonlunteer crew. I had one week to get it done.
Memories of Italy
Private home, Bethel, CT
Rockwell Elementary School, Bethel, CT
Rocky the Ram - School’s Mascot
Rockwell Elementary School, Bethel, CT
Berry the Lion - School’s Mascot
Berry Elementary School, Bethel, CT
(photos to come)
Painting Directly on Walls
(Copy to come)